Official name of the company: NNG Software Developing and Commercial Ltd.
Registered Office:
35-37 Szépvölgyi út, H-1037 Budapest, Hungary
Postal address and primary place of business activity:
35-37 Szépvölgyi út, H-1037 Budapest, Hungary
Entered into the trade registry held by the Metropolitan Court as court of registration under the registration number: 01-09-891838
Tax number:13357845-2-44
EU VAT ID: HU13357845
Phone: +36 1 872 0000
Fax: +36 1 872 0100
E-mail: info@naviextras.com
Infrastructure provider:
Microsoft Azure Cloud Service
Microsoft Ireland Operations, Ltd.
Carmenhall Road
Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA, USA 98052